Meet the Startup Strategists Behind Two Ps In A Pod

We are a team of founders and field experts with a wealth of experience and knowledge in validating, building, and scaling successful startups. We know the terrain because we’ve walked and ran it ourselves.

At Two Ps in a Pod, we don’t just advise- we partner with you. Our hands-on approach, backed by collective experiences sets us apart from traditional consulting agencies. We don’t just know what it takes to succeed; we’ve done it ourselves. Now, we are committed to supporting ambitious entrepreneurs to write their own success stories.

Meet the Team

Leejoo Hwang

Principal Consultant
Product Validation, Growth, & Sales

Min Park

Principal Consultant
Public Affairs & Strategy


We want to keep it real. We don’t oversell and claim to be the silver bullet to solve all of your organization’s needs. However, we are dedicated to helping our clients with the creme de la creme of our expertise so you can walk away happy rather than frustrated wondering if you wasted your time and money.

Our Values


If we make a promise, you can bet that we will deliver. Having integrity is of utmost importance here and you can be assured that the products of our work will not be hollow.


The backbone of our philosophy is to walk the talk. We don’t just have calls and send out presentation slides. Our hands-on approach is designed to ensure our clients benefit from real value.